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March 07, 2005

Other Notable Links

Here are few recent headlines:

  • News.com: Start-ups Blur Lines Between Radio, Music Swapping
  • Engadget: Switched On: The ā€œiā€ behind iPod ā€” innovation, integration, or inertia?
  • P2P.net: Stanford University Students Are Partial to the iPod
  • CNET: MSN Music Teams up with MediaBay To Sell Radio Classics From Web site (The best part is that a 30 minute radio show will only cost about a buck!)
  • Yahoo News: Napster, Subscriptions Seen Nibbling at Apple (Despite all the excitement over the predicted growth explosion over 'renting vs. owning' music - when you compare Napsters revised 15 million in expected earnings for subscriptions next quarter vs. Apple's estimated 100 million for paid downloads - it hardly seems like there's any competition...)
  • MacNN: Merrill Lynch: Napster not a threat to iTunes: To our point above, ""We believe Napster's results show that on-line music purchases continue to grow. We do not see the small rise in absolute number of subscribers (now at 270,000) as taking share from Apple's iTunes."
  • New Scientist:  iPod Squeaks Betray Software Secrets (Nils Schneider, a 17-year-old computer science student from Germany is changing the rules of the game...Is the world ready for a Linux iPOD??)

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