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April 27, 2005

Nokia Launches First Phone with Built-In Hard Drive

Nokia_n91_1Yahoo: Nokia launched a new range of "Nseries" phones today, including its first model with a built-in hard drive...The N91 multimedia phone, the company's latest device optimized for mobile music consumption is expected by the end of the year and will have a 4-gigabyte hard drive for music files (allowing users to store up to 3,000 CD-quality songs) which could put it head-to-head with Apple's iPod. Realistically though - 'music enabled ' phones are more likely to compete with cheaper, flash-memory based music players, as all the bells and whistles are difficult to include in a converged device...The new model includes features like the industry standard 3.5mm stereo headset jack (battery provides up to 12.5 hours of great sound) and easy transfer of music files from your PC help make the unit a connected mobile jukebox.

According to Jonas Geust, Vice President of Music at Nokia, "What sets the Nokia N91 apart is the fact that it is always connected - you can download new music while on the move, add it to your favorite playlist and then share your playlist with friends. It's truly the world's best mobile connected jukebox."

The unit comes with a remote control - if you wanted to hook it up to your stereo - and supports a wide range of digital music formats including MP3, M4A, AAC and WMA...Packed with multiple connectivity options, such as WCDMA, WLAN, USB 2.0. and Bluetooth wireless technology...you can quickly and easily find and purchase music over the air to your device from your operator's music store.

According to the press release, "a revolutionary new feature is the possibility to share your playlists with friends by multimedia message, email or Bluetooth. Proudly show off your musical taste or simply share the latest songs that have been stuck in your head."

--Nokia Launches Nseries Phones
--Nokia launches Nseries based on Symbian Series 60

Posted by Todd in Mobile Music | Permalink


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