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May 18, 2005

Cloakware Joins Coral Consortium

CloakwareYahoo:  Cloakware announced yesterday that it has joined The Coral Consortium, an industry-wide technology initiative whose goal is to deliver an open, voluntary standard for interoperability between digital rights management (DRM) technologies for consumer devices and services. The group is proceeding rapidly towards developing a comprehensive compliance and usage framework for interoperable DRM systems and hopes in the next month or two  - to deliver a comprehensive usage and compliance framework as well as Coral 2.0 specifications - which are intended to provide a new approach to digital content delivery and consumption.

Virginia-based Cloakware is an innovative developer of software that protects applications and systems from unauthorized use and piracy and its unique security solutions have been recognized throughout the industry. "Our membership in the Coral Consortium highlights Cloakware's commitment to increasing the functionality and flexibility of licensed digital content playback, without sacrificing the integrity or intent of the content owners and providers," said Glen Hellman, Vice President of Business Development at Cloakware.

Posted by Todd in DRM | Permalink


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