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May 12, 2005

Get Ready For Corporate P2P

Computerworld: While there's no denying that filesharing is at an all time high despite  Hollywood's and the RIAA's best PR efforts, the simple truth is that there are many non-infringing uses of the disruptive technology known as peer-to-peer and I'm betting the Supreme Court will soon come to the same conclusion. "P2P network applications such as KaZaA may not have a place in the corporate environment, but the same cannot be said for BitTorrent's File Sharing technology (currently being used for Linux software distribution) and Groove Networks' Virtual Office application, designed for shared workspace/online collaboration...Be forewarned, get educated and be prepared for the network implications of corporate IT P2P applications. The corporate next-generation network future may be just around the corner in 2006." This could be something worth watching as one of Microsoft's stated intentions is to add Groove's P2P technology to its next-generation operating system called Longhorn...

Posted by Todd in P2P | Permalink


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