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May 27, 2005
Music Subscription Services Re-examined
USAToday: Columnist Edward Baig sums up the music industry's online quagmire pretty good......"Renting can be complex, though, reflecting conflicts over digital rights. You'll have to buy tunes to burn them to a CD. But some songs can't be bought. Others can be streamed but not downloaded. Some can be downloaded but must stay tethered to a PC. And some can be downloaded and moved to a portable device." This can be pretty confusing to keep up with for some people, so the industry has some work to do to make thing s a little more standardized and seamless... Also, it's a good idea to check MP3 player compatibiity before you sign up with a subscription service like Napster, Rhapsody or Yahoo's rental model as some players can receive only 'purchased music' - not rented tracks - so buyer beware...
Posted by Todd in General | Permalink
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» USA Today on Subscription Music Services from The Importance of...
USA Today looks at some of the issues holding back music subscription services (Music-subscription Services Can Be a Good Deal).Renting can be complex, though, reflecting conflicts over digital rights. You'll have to buy tunes to burn them to a CD.... [Read More]
Tracked on May 27, 2005 11:17:07 AM
» USA Today on Subscription Music Services from The Importance of...
USA Today looks at some of the issues holding back music subscription services (Music-subscription Services Can Be a Good Deal).Renting can be complex, though, reflecting conflicts over digital rights. You'll have to buy tunes to burn them to a CD.... [Read More]
Tracked on May 27, 2005 11:20:10 AM
» USA Today on Subscription Music Services from The Importance of...
USA Today looks at some of the issues holding back music subscription services (Music-subscription Services Can Be a Good Deal).Renting can be complex, though, reflecting conflicts over digital rights. You'll have to buy tunes to burn them to a CD.... [Read More]
Tracked on May 29, 2005 9:59:32 AM
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