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May 27, 2005
NuTech Digital Announces Distribution Agreement With WEA
TMCnet: Earlier this week NuTech Digital announced an exclusive distribution agreement with WEA Corporation, Warner Music Group's U.S. sales and retail marketing company. WEA will distribute NuTech Digital's previously unreleased audio CD and music DVD titles representing classical, urban and R&B genres. Commenting on the agreement, NuTech's CEO Lee Kasper stated, "This agreement with WEA allows for further market penetration of certain of our products, through an industry leader, thereby giving opportunity to increase our revenues, with a simultaneous reduction in cost to our operations, which should help our overall profit margins in our bottom line. It will also allow us to focus more acutely in the area of our main business goal, and that is production of High Definition Concert DVD's."
Posted by Todd in Companies | Permalink
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