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May 12, 2005

Record Labels Accused Of Monopolistic Practices -- Again

MocoNews: Major record labels have been accused of putting pressure on mobile content portals and aggregators to only sell ringtones and truetones offered by them...by keeping competition out of the marketplace ringtone prices are kept high, at least higher than digital song downloads. Kurt Slep, cofounder of karaoke music producer Musical Content, claims labels are applying pressure within the mobile content industry not to sell his companies cheaper CloneTones, rerecordings of famous songs. In Japan major record labels have banded together to prevent outsiders licensing music for truetones, a move which CloneTones circumvents by recording the song with different musicians. Heck, there's even a new ringtone blog about this "issue", which is run anonymously...

Related stories:

--Napster’s Mobile Hopes

--My Ringtone Studio Converts Music Files To Ringtones

--Mercora Goes Mobile

Posted by James | Permalink


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» Record Labels Squashing Cover Ringtones? from Copyfight
Mobile Content News reports that major recording labels are pressuring cellphone carriers not to carry cover versions of hit ringtones (Labels Attempt To Monopolize Ringtone Industry):的n our own situation, the labels have told the mobile operators tha... [Read More]

Tracked on May 12, 2005 12:00:34 PM


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