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June 28, 2005

U.S. Military Eyes XM Radio

WashingtonPost:  Apparently, XM may be providing our military with a dedicated satellite radio channel for homeland security purposes. Under the proposed agreement, an XM satellite would relay critical information to soldiers during a crisis - who would be able to easily receive the emergency broadcasts on a modified portable radio device. However, XM's reach only covers North America, so its communications system partner Raytheon has signed an agreement with Worldspace to provide satellite radio coverage in Africa, Asia and Europe too...

The Mobile Enhanced Situational Awareness Network (MESA), would get a dedicated channel on XM's satellites that would be accessible only on devices given to emergency personnel. Official assessments of MESA will take months and procurement decisions will likely come next year. But early reviews of MESA were favorable...On the surface, it sounds like a win-win situation....So, does this mean that our soldiers will eventually get their own music station/genre too? (Armybop...Navy-Hop...Lock & Roll))

Posted by Todd in Satellite | Permalink


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