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July 03, 2005

AOL's Mojo To Lose Now

AOL had a banner day yesterday...I have to say, they pulled it off remarkably well. Much like a lot of people, I started on MTV, and went on AOLMusic during a commercial break, and then realized what I was missing. I think someone in AOL had that epiphany after they bought the rights: let's sub-license the rights on TV to MTV, let people compare, and they'll realize how superior the online experience is for this sort of natively multitasking event.
They also did a smart thing with in-stream advertising: it was capped at about 2 ads during the whole concert (I'm assuming they are frequency capping it at that, per session.)
My only beef: they should have made the full-screen experience better than it was. Other than that, it was all about keeping things simple. Here's the concert...watch it how you want to...
For AOL, which is betting the whole house on opening up its walled gardens, this is the best house-warming party they could hope for.
[Read this on BroadbandReports...]

Posted by Rafat Ali in AOL | Permalink


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