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July 22, 2005

Napster Approves New Batch of MP3 Players

bizjournal: The Treo 650 smartphone from Palm Inc., the Rio Carbon and ce2100 from Rio Audio and the YH-925 and YH-820 from Samsung were all offcially approved this week by Napster to work with its "Napster To Go" subscription music service after rigorous testing and certification...This brings the total number of compatible MP3 players and devices over 25... More HERE from the Press Release.

"Palm, Rio and Samsung are manufacturers at the forefront of the exploding portable media device marketplace and we are very pleased that Napster To Go members will now have a wider array of cutting edge devices to choose from," said Chris Gorog, Napster's chairman and CEO. "Serious music fans have spoken and are clearly interested in devices that allow them to move all their favorite music to their favorite player without paying a buck a track."

Posted by Todd in Napster | Permalink


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