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July 28, 2005

Panasonic Partners With Loudeye

LoudeyelogoPress Release: Loudeye announced today (along with the launch of Panasonic's new MP3 players SVMP120 and SVMP110) that it was chosen to create an end-to-end consumer digital music download service under the Panasonic brand...As a result, U.K. consumers will now have one website where they can buy hardware and legitimate downloads...

Panasonic also announced that its Oxyride Extreme Power batteries are about to hit market shelves, offering consumers new technology specifically designed for the digital era. Representing the most significant development in primary battery technology since the introduction of alkaline in 1965, Oxyrides are a powerful, durable and disposable energy source that last up to twice as long as traditional alkaline batteries - but at  similar prices. They will be available in AA and AAA-sizes at retailers nationwide by the end of this month...

Posted by Todd in Europe | Permalink


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