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July 13, 2005
Podcasting Grows Up Fast
USAToday: Now that iTunes has added support for Podcasting, mainstream media companies are slowly starting to dominate podcasts. That's a huge break from the norm, because until recently - podcasts were largely pirate-radio-style broadcasts, often produced by one person on a home PC. Now, podcasts are being anchored by celebrities as Rush Limbaugh and Ted Koppel. Podcasting "went from underground to mainstream overnight," says Ted Schadler, digital media analyst at Forrester Research. However, "Apple and the mainstream media are making a monumental mistake," says Richard Bluestein, who podcasts on YeastRadio.com. They're "repackaging the same boring, heartless and anti-human garbage" instead of focusing on alternative programs...The article highlights the conflict between big and small podcasters that is expected to intensify as interest grows in advertising and subscription fees...RAIN has some more on it HERE...
--Podcasts Get iTunes Stamp of Approval
Posted by Todd in Podcasting | Permalink
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