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August 21, 2005
Melodeo Plans Free Podcast Downloads To Mobiles
SeattleTimes: [by James Pearce] Melodeo has announced plans to offer free software to enable mobile users to download podcasts directly to their handsets (demo). There are other podcast-to-mobile software, but the ones I've seen go through the computer or are only available on one carrier. If I've missed one let me know...
The move is described as an "awareness drive", and is intended to get people used to downloading and listening to audio on their mobiles as well as to raise the profile of Melodeo's music service. The software will initially be available from the website in September for Symbian phones, with a Java version to follow soon after.
The article quotes IDC analyst David Linsalata as saying that most consumers don't know what operating system they have, and of course offering free content is a good way to encourage people to find out.
The whole idea is a pretty good one, using free content to promote paid services without cannibalising them and at the same time offering an incentive for people to work out how to use the advance functions of their handset -- people will normally do more to get free content than content they have to pay for. (via Ringtonia)
SeattlePI: Newly appointed CEO Jim Billmaier, who joined Melodeo last month after 10 years at Digeo and Asymetrix, said podcasting is a natural extension of the company's mobile music software. Up until now, Melodeo has focused on delivering full-length music tracks to wireless subscribers in Spain and Canada.
Related stories:
--Mobile P2P To Become Online's Asylum?
--Pod2Mob: Podcasts on Your Phone
--Mobilecast — Podcasts To Mobiles
Posted by Rafat Ali in Mobile Music, Podcasting | Permalink
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