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August 02, 2005

The Case of the Missing Music

WSJ: Ever wonder why its so difficult sometimes just to find your favorite 'underground single' from high school in a legal online service's catalogue? As the article points out, the answer is a little more complicated than just ripping some CD's and throwing them up in cyberspace. However, the major labels need to quickly overcome minor hurdles like song availability differences between streaming and on-demand downloads as well as conversion and storage because, "Once rights issues are cleared up, revenue from downloads or streams of out-of-print music is basically found money for the labels." 

Most people don't realize it, "but music isn't always zapped from place to place via the Net", says Kevin Arnold of the Independent Online Distribution Association (IODA)...Organizations like his typically send music collections on external hard drives. "When you're moving many gigabytes, UPS or FedEx is the most-efficient bandwidth in the world."

Posted by Todd in General | Permalink


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» Why You Can't Find EBN-OZN from The 463: Inside Tech Policy
We just dove deep into how music licensing issues could hinder the mobile music market (See The Ringtone Money Grab). The WSJ Online has a column this week about why licensing issues, technical difficulties and label priorities are (still) keeping [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 3, 2005 3:17:41 PM



Money is the enemy of most entrepreneurs and marketers. Actually, that's not true. The search for money, the need for money and the desire to spend the money you have are the enemy.

From movies (Superman vs. Syriana or WordPlay) to coffee (Maxwell House vs. Starbucks) to technology (Microsoft vs. a kid in a room in Germany) we see it over and over again.

First rule: great product development and marketing almost always comes from organizations that don't have enough money. Having less money keeps you from trying to buy your way out of trouble.

Second rule: learning to live with less money means you will develop skills and resources instead of buying them. And it means that when you have less money (again), you'll be prepared.

Third rule: When you need money for something specific, go get it. But just for that. With good terms. As soon as you spend money to protect your money or leverage your money or account for your money or send a message about your money, the money is not only wasted, it hurts you.



Posted by: cyberbucks | Oct 10, 2007 9:42:14 AM

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