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August 04, 2005

Yahoo Introduces Search Service for Music, Audio

Updated: read below: NYT: (reg. req.): Yahoo, which has been threatening to launch a music/audio search service for some time now, has finally launched it in beta: it claims can comb through 50 million music, voice and other audio files. It also supports podcast search.
Yahoo's music search service will let users find sites, news and photos of artists, as well as information about albums and songs.... The service will also display links to the competitor music sites where users can pay to download a song. Most major music sites (here's the complete list of competitors Yahoo is working with) have agreed to send Yahoo lists of their songs and pay a commission on every song sold. The current version of the service has no advertising, though that may come later.
Bunch of others are in the same field: Singingfish, Blinkx, and other audio and video search engines, though no one has this met-search-rev-share deal for music. The new new MP3.com has a similar comparison shopping for online music, but it hasn't really caught on.
USA Today: Yahoo Audio will not include songs from file-sharing sites such as Kazaa and Grokster, which are often used to trade copyrighted music. If a record label complains about any song featured on the site, Yahoo Audio will take it off the list, says Technology Director Bradley Horowitz.
Updated: Yahoo is NOT the first one with such a meta-search and rev share service: San Francisco based GoFish Technologies has had a similar compare-and-buy service for some time now.

Posted by Rafat Ali in Podcasting, Yahoo | Permalink


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