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An Arthur Adventure
Redeemed Son Joseph Arthur will definitely be releasing his next album on his own label, likely to be distributed by Koch. A source close to the native Ohioian told us tonight at the "Bring 'Em Home" concert event that, since he's under no contractual obligations at any other label, Arthur's going to take his releases into his own hands.
The album, tentatively titled "Invisible Parade", will hopefully be released by the end of the year. Arthur already told us he was considering doing it on his own in February. It will be the artist's first release since 2004's excellently reflective "Our Shadows Will Remain."
Arthur, who now resides in New York, has had a history of skipping label to label, from Peter Gabriel's Real World imprint to Virgin to Enjoy/Universal and then to Vector. Now his label home will be, er, his own home. Or a big fancy office. To which he'll invite us. With frequency. And brew us coffee.
March 21, 2006 in Music | Permalink
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