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Idol Chatter: Come On, America!
Oh, the power of the technology-savvy eight-year-old. Clearly the Sanjaya-obsessed little girl we met last night represents the majority of American voters. Talent? Who needs talent when you've got "nice teeth and hair," as Kelly Ripa so eloquently explained in defense of Sanjaya this morning.
Yeah, yeah, everyone loves to root for the underdog, and if we were in elementary school and could comprehend what a text message was, we probably would have voted for him, too. And we called it that Haley's legs would unjustly send her through.
But to vote off Stephanie? Stephanie, one of the top singers in this competition? She's only 19, for the love of God, so we can't even attribute this to the LaToya London/lack-of-youth-appeal thing.
At this rate, LaKisha and Melinda will be next to go, and we'll wind up with an "American Idol" whose only redeeming quality is nice teeth or legs. Come on, if this is what you're judging on, America, tune into that Pussycat Dolls show instead.
March 21, 2007 | Permalink
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Hear, hear.
Im sad to see stephanie go. Yeah, she looked scared last night & it wasnt her best performance, but how come she's not allowed bad performances while Haley Scarnato makes the top 12 with hers? And GIna Glocksen last night? no bottom 2? come on.
I wont even mention the Sanjaya mania. at least I have my elliott Yamin cd to look forward to.
Posted by: me | Mar 22, 2007 7:17:07 PM
This is almost hillarious. I said it with Ace Young last season and Sanjaya this season....the "pretty boy" votes. I think the voters keeping him on there are the same ones that voted Chris Daughtry off last year and made Taylor Hicks American Idol.
Posted by: Miranda's Mom | Mar 24, 2007 9:36:01 AM
I do not watch AI but as a member of the East Indian community, I am pleased to see a represenative on the show. It would be great if he or she is really talented but it's time for more diversity in these contests.
Posted by: Kay | Mar 24, 2007 1:35:42 PM
Ratings, Watson
American Idol is
Karaoke, talking birds,
No trailblazer.
Talkin' Renaissance
But no money perhaps. Hey Mister Cowell,
Here's an idear:
American Songwriter/Singer
Posted by: dlt | Mar 27, 2007 9:23:50 PM
I think Sanjaya has fans that pick up the phone and vote for his just like Taylor's fans did for him last year. Daughtry fans got to confident and DIDN'T pick up the phone.
Posted by: jf | Mar 28, 2007 10:32:11 PM
Dear Me
The Soul Patrol is not voting for Sanjaya. Most of us aren't even watching the show this year so we certainly aren't voting. American Idol wants their younger viewers back. We voted for Taylor Hicks because he is great at what he does. 99% of the media concert reviewers have had great things to say about him since he started his tour in Feb. I saw him in concert and believe me there was nothing "idol" about it. He's a true musician. Please leave the Soul Patrol out of this and don't thumb your nose at Taylor until you know what he's all about.
Posted by: julie | Apr 5, 2007 4:38:39 PM
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