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Our Heroes Are Little Heroes

Little_heroesWe love it when Our Lady Billboard is invoked in the name of accessible pop/rock music. Most recently, we spotted a reference in the description of California rockers the Little Heroes and their debut album, "Cinematic Americana."

"'Cinematic Americana' presents... an array of impressive (and 'Billboard' worthy) tunes... this may sound like heresy to the ears of most music snobs, but we love it."

O.K., fine, so what you're trying to say is that your self-released album's got cred but -- hey! -- it'll be easy to like, you swear, maybe play it for your mom.


We really do. There's jagged pieces of Jimmy Eat World, Silversun Pickups and Saves The Day poking through string sections and big crescendos, the kind of sweeping melodic Valium that makes our stone-cold hearts like Coldplay and (eep!) Toad the Wet Sprocket. Tracks like "New End Game," "Bridges and Tunnels" (which we have secretly re-named "Jersey and Philly") and "September Calls" (which you can hear on their MySpace) all have catchy melodies stuck behind snappy vocals.

Southern Califonians need to check out their show since we cannot. Then tell us about it, buy the record or face our wrath. "Cinematic Americana," which is hardly Americana, hit stores March 20.

March 29, 2007 | Permalink


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I have this album and love it! the Little Heroes are my heroes.

Posted by: Cantusphile | Mar 29, 2007 9:54:01 PM

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