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Teflon T.I.?

P59745a3ywgWe’ve been quiet but we just can’t take it anymore. What the !@#$ is up with that TIP machine gun + silencer shenanigans down there in ATL? At first, in a knee jerk reaction, we blamed “the man” because we are of course...jaded. But then we thought about it, machine guns? If this means we can’t get another “What You Know,” we’re VERY salty. Salty like 50 Cent when a journo asks him about the current hip hop market place or “ay bay bay.” Like that.

Now, young Tipper is going to be locked up until Friday, at least. Atlantic hasn’t had any comment all day. Grand Hustle’s been quiet as they should be, but what is this going to do to his marketing plans? TIP’s had several Hollywood screen dreams in the works, not to mention the biggest urban flick outside of Tyler Perry’s “Why Did I Get Married?” (we told ya’ll to support it, No. 1 at the box office, we see you Tyler, Jilly and Janet.) He and his Grand Hustle camp had planned to be the next New Line + Ice Cube duo, but while Phil Spector can get away with all this, J.I.’s not so sure TIP is as teflon. And what’s up with all these body guards snitching? First Britney’s and now this... Good help must be really hard to find these days.

October 16, 2007 in Hip Hop, Scandalous | Permalink


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Do us all a favor, put him away for good.

Posted by: Jack | Oct 17, 2007 8:55:00 PM

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