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Idol Worship: Best to Worst of Motown Night

We didn't have very high hopes for the competitors on Motown night, what with last week's crushing Alexis Grace elimination, but we'll admit: for the most part, season 8's Top 10 impressed us. Maybe having Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson in the audience brought out their A-game, or perhaps after witnessing Alexis' departure, they're all realizing how tenuous their standing truly is. Whatever it was, we're glad to see this contest kick into gear. And for that, we have one person to thank: Adam Lambert. Read on for our assessment of Motown's best to worst.

Motown-adamlambert(1) 1. Adam Lambert - "Tracks Of My Tears"
Wow. Adam Lambert knocked it out of the park on Wednesday night by toning down the shtick, slicking back his hair and finally putting away those ridiculous finger-less gloves. The result? One of the most memorable performances in Idol history. In fact, by recognizing the inherent beauty of the Smokey Robinson classic "Tracks Of My Tears" and slowing the tempo just so, Adam proved he stands apart from his fellow Top 10-ers in one key area: he has a deeper understanding of music. As far as his look for the night? Somewhere between Elvis Presley, Zac Efron in Hairspray, Joe Jonas and Kurt Russell, Adam exuded star power in a glistening suit and, in the end, truly shined. Still, we wish he'd cut back on the makeup just a bit.

2. Allison Iraheta - "Papa Was A Rolling Stone"
Allison may have been a dark horse coming into the Top 36, but after Wednesday's show-stopping finale (and Alexis' exit), she's now officially the female frontrunner. And for one reason: Allison tackled a song released decades before her birth as if she'd been singing it her whole life. And lest we forget that only two years ago, a 17 year-old Jordin Sparks won the competition largely because of talent that seemed beyond her years. Kara Dioguardi had it right: pipes that strong can only be a gift from God. Hallelujah!

3.  Anoop Desai - "Ooo Baby Baby"
He started the season as a wild card and an underdog, but after Wednesday's "Ooh Baby Baby" bow,  Anoop Desai is quickly emerging as a serious contender. We confess; we didn't see it coming, but Anoop dazzled with an unexpectedly cool, confident and controlled take on the Smokey Robinson classic, emoting just enough to catch our attention, but not too much where it comes off as cheesy. No doubt his ever-growing fanbase was swooning, while we swayed along.

4. Matt Giraud - "Let's Get It On"
Matt played to his strengths with a sexy, soulful, spot-on "Let's Get It On," but with the unfortunate first-of-the-night slot, we had a feeling voter reaction would be tepid. Still, between his turn at the piano, the extra-tight jeans, and Matt's undeniable swagger, there's no doubt he's got star quality and deserves to be in contention. But if at the end of his run he turns into season 8's Elliot Yamin, we're OK with that, too.

5. Kris Allen - "How Sweet It Is"
"How Sweet It Is" was an apt choice for Kris Allen, because it perfectly described his performance: sugary, if not a touch on the saccharine side. While we have to give Kris points for putting his own twist on a song so universally known, we also got a distinct Jason Castro vibe and the sense that we've heard it all before. Still, there's no doubt Kris is easily marketable — and cute — and that should keep him in the game for a few more weeks, if not longer.

6. Scott MacIntyre - "You Can't Hurry Love"
Scott MacIntyre's place is at the piano, and on this performance of the Supremes hit, we got to see him in his comfort zone — visibly excited and not the least bit nervous. By picking up the tempo and adding some flair to his stage presence, it seems Scott's finally breaking out of his shell just a bit, but his delivery is still hit and miss, and his song choices remain questionable. Despite the pressure, he looks to be handling the spotlight with natural ease, if his post-performance chatter with the judges is any indication. His time may soon be up, but Scott has certainly left an indelible mark on this season.

7. Danny Gokey
- "Get Ready"
Let's face it, anyone forced to follow Adam Lambert is facing a daunting task — a reality that likely wasn't lost on ol' Danny Gokey. Still, he gave it his all, parading up and down the Idol stage as if his life depended on it, which, in a way, it does. It was a valiant effort, but far from a memorable one for this frontrunner.

8. Lil Rounds - "Heatwave"
Lil Rounds gets a much-needed makeover — a hair style that's of this century and one fabulous Tina Turner-inspired dress — but the results on the vocal end were uninspiring. Maybe she's trying too hard to be everything to everyone, but her "Heatwave" felt a lot more like a meltdown. Though not of disastrous proportions; After all, Lil is the only other girl still legitimately in the running at this point.

9. Michael Sarver - "Ain't Too Proud To Beg"
It was another rough week for sweet Michael Sarver as he bit off just a little more than he could chew. The judges called his jerky "Ain't To Proud To Beg" Vegas lounge, which isn't always a bad thing, but in the case of Motown night, it simply lacked soul, even if Michael did have plenty of spunk. Of course, he wasn't the worst performer of the night, that honor goes to season 8's official puzzler, Megan Joy. 

10. Megan Joy - "For Once In My Life"
We don't understand why Megan's practice sessions with the mentors always sound a hundred times better than her Idol performances. Is it just the nerves that come with being in front of a live television audience of tens of millions? Or is it strategic editing on the part of the Idol package producers, where she's really slipping up worse than they show? But one thing we do know: despite her beauty, and quirky style, Megan Joy is simply not qualified to be in this competition right now. Not that we're transferring our Alexis Grace ouster bitterness on to her. Well, maybe just a little bit, but it's definitely time for Megan to go.

What's everyone else thinking? Does Adam Lambert have it in the bag? Who would duke it out in your dream finale showdown?

March 27, 2009 in American Idol | Permalink


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Raivo Pommer
[email protected]

Der Dresdner Bank Krise

Die Spitzenmanager der Dresdner Bank haben 2008 trotz Milliardenverlusten weit mehr verdient als jeder andere Bankvorstand in Deutschland. Laut Geschäftsbericht des mittlerweile zur Commerzbank gehörenden Instituts kassierten die zeitweise neun Vorstände gut 58 Millionen Euro und damit mehr als doppelt so viel wie im Vorjahr. Größter Posten waren Abfindungen von mehr als 24 Millionen Euro - keiner der Dresdner-Vorstände wird nach der Integration des Instituts in die Commerzbank weiterbeschäftigt.

Zum Vergleich: Die Vorstände der Commerzbank verdienten im vergangenen Jahr 4,3 Millionen Euro, die der Deutschen Bank 4,5 Millionen Euro. Weltweit
ist eine hitzige Debatte über Bonuszahlungen an Banker entbrannt, die für Milliardenverluste verantwortlich sind (siehe auch Boni-Streit: AIG geht in Deckung). In den Vereinigten Staaten wird gar über eine Strafsteuer nachgedacht, um die Gelder bei staatlich gestützten Instituten wieder zurückzuholen.

Posted by: dierk hirschael stor | Mar 27, 2009 11:25:58 AM

Re Adam Lambert: It's his time -we all have a turn as to the styles and looks of each generation. He will come around in his own time, and if not - Oh well! His talent "sings" for it self.

Posted by: Lucilla | Mar 27, 2009 1:56:26 PM

Sending the memory.

That candle,
when the greatest
level tries to
forget a loving
intention, appears
in my mind
like a distant
idea, and also
this care invents
an emotion.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Posted by: Francesco Sinibaldi | Mar 28, 2009 4:22:57 PM

OMG! That's all I can say about Adam ....if he doesn't make it through for his talent then DAMN he should make it through just for his looks. He's a reincarnation of Elvis in the flesh whew if I was onl'y younger lol. He has both the wild side and tenderness side and the voice to go with it.

Posted by: Jackie Sylvia | Apr 2, 2009 11:58:01 AM

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Kai Richter, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Mediinvest GmbH, Investor und Projektentwickler der Hotel- und Gastronomieeinheiten am Nürburgring, ergänzt: "Die neu gegründete Grüne Hölle Betriebsgesellschaft benötigt Mitarbeiter für insgesamt 167 vollzeitäquivalente Arbeitsplätze."

Um jedem Bewerber eine faire Chance zu bieten, würden bis zur zweiten Bewerbungsbörse noch keine Personalentscheidungen getroffen. Die Bewerber werden am Sonntag von 9 Uhr an im Media Center am Nürburgring erwartet. Ein Busshuttle fährt ab 8 Uhr von den Hauptbahnhöfen aus Bonn und Koblenz. Alle Bewerber sollten neben einem aktuellen Foto aussagekräftige Bewerbungsunterlagen mitbringen.

Um die Auswahl zwischen den in Frage kommenden Arbeitsplätzen zu erleichtern, werden nach Veranstalter-Angaben die verschiedenen Job-Optionen kurz präsentiert. Bei ersten persönlichen Gesprächen würden offene Fragen beantwortet. Nach Ende der Bewerbungsbörse gegen etwa 17 Uhr fährt der Busshuttle zurück nach Bonn und Koblenz.

Posted by: raivo | Apr 10, 2009 6:10:31 PM

[email protected]

Deflation hits Ireland

Ireland's consumer prices fell 2.6 per cent in March from a year ago, the sharpest rate of deflation since 1933, when the world was struggling through the Great Depression, official figures showed yesterday.

The March rate accelerated from an annual deflation rate of 1.7 per cent in February, the Central Statistics Office said. The report said there was no change in prices from February to March, which are now at August 2007 levels.

Ireland's deflation began in January and reflects the country's sudden fall into a deep recession.

The country last suffered from deflation in 1960.

Although lower prices can help spending and exports, deflation can be damaging for an economy if prices enter a downward spiral - consumers hold off buying items on expectations they will become cheaper, pushing retailers to cut prices to encourage spending, and so on.

Finance Minister Brian Lenihan, when announcing an emergency budget on Wednesday to trim 3.25 billion ($7.32 billion) from Ireland's ballooning deficit, said the Government expected deflation to average 4 per cent in 2009.

Posted by: raivo pommer.eesti. | Apr 11, 2009 10:01:13 AM

Kris owned this week, by a mile!

Posted by: Scott | Apr 18, 2009 5:28:41 PM


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großesriesen Problem. Sie möchte für ihr
Leben gerne einmal PofickArschpoppen
ausprobieren, aber sie findet niemanden, der das mit ihr machen
möchte. Aus diesem Grund hat sieKerstin sich
jetzt entschlossen, hier eine einschlägige
aufzugeben. Es muss doch einfach MachosTypen in
ihrer Gegend geben, die sich auf ein unverbindliches
einlassen wollen. SieSybille hofft, auf diesem
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Fantasien ausleben zu können. In erster Linie will
sieSusi sich von zwei
MachosTypen gleichzeitig
durchvögelnbumsen lassen, aber sie hat noch
tausend andere Ideen, die so flott wie möglich verwirklicht werden
sollen. SieSusi ist genau die Art von Dame,
nach der du schon lange gesucht hast? SieKerstin
und hunderte andere notgeiler MädelsDamen
wollen sich auf ein erotisches
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kann, die die gleichen sexuellen Neugungen wie sie haben. Und deshalb
hat sich MarieKerstin entschieden hier eine
Kontaktanzeige zu schalten, denn aus Übung weiß sie, dass
sieSybille hier die größte Gelegenheit hat neue
Gleichgesinnte zu finden. Denn sie wollen alle in regelmäßigen
Abständen einen ausgelassenen Gruppenfick machen und ihre Lust auf
geilen Sex stillen, also zögere auch du nicht länger und hole dir
einen kostenlosen Zugang bei einer der größten deutschen
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