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July 18, 2007

All-star jam w/ Moe, Allgood Festival 7/14 WV

The absolute highlight of the night, and possibly my summer of music so far was the late night allstar jam that was hosted by moe. All in all at least 20 musicians joined moe over the course of two plus hours, seamlessly transitioning from song to song and from band to band. Basicially a new musician or two would take the place of someone already on stage, and then join in the jam untill a completly different "band" was on stage. Members of Tea Leaf Green, New Monsoon, Perpetual Groove, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, and the Assembly of Dust all weaved in and out of the set to create an immense musical tapestry.

They started the set with the moe monster of a song "Meat" and fromthere covered an array of tumes from The Band's "Cripple Creek" to Neil Young's "Cortez the Killer" to Sublime's "Pawn Shop" and even Kanye West's "We Dont Care." It was incredible. The musicianship was tight, the comraderie between all of the musicians was evident, and the rock and roll just oozed from the stage.

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make me wish i was at all good! thanks for the updates :)

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