Boys Night Out Summer Tour West Palm Beach 7/19
Its hotter than hell itself, the walls are sweating, the sounds is bad, and its darker than a cave. All this can only mean one thing; you’re at Rays Downtown Blues in West Palm Beach. One of the few venues left in West Palm, you can tell Ray has not invested much money into fixing up the place. From the peeling paint, and lack of lights.
I am not here to talk about Ray’s though, that would be for a whole other review. What I am here to talk about is Boys Night Out’s summer tour, with Olympia and June, and what a damn good show it was. You just have to look past the terrible sound, and heat of Ray’s and just get sucked into the music. Once that first band takes the stage it rapidly reminds you why you came, and that, my good friends, is to rock out, and forget about every single care in the world you might have at the moment.
There were two bands on this tour that really blew my mind, and that really stood out among the others. That was of course Boy’s Night Out, and the new band on equal vision called Olympia. It’s very rare that an opening band will shock and amaze you, especially in an age when most bands out there sound exactly the same.
Olympia might not have reinvented the wheel, but they have certainly modified it enough to make it new again. The first two songs the band played really sucked you in. They made you just wanna break out and jump around as opposed to the normal 'stand there with arms crossed' stance that most kids have when they don’t know the first few acts. Olympia had to work harder than any other band at this show, and it really came out in their set. Right away there was a huge amount feedback in the PA, the norm for Ray’s.
Then the bands on stage monitors blew out, but leader singer Phil looked at the music-hungry crowd, and said screw it; the show must go on. And they just kept on rocking. They played their popular songs "M80," and "Olympia is a Mother ****" and anyone who knew them just went nuts. It was sad to see such a talented band get such a short set, but we hope to see more of Olympia in the future.
After sitting though the next batch of mediocre bands it was time for the headliner of the show, the reason why everyone was standing around in what seemed to be a pool of their own perspiration. Boy’s Night Out took the stage and the mosh pitting and pushing began.
By the time BNO got on all the bugs of Ray’s sound system had been worked out, so the band at no problem playing crowd favorites like "Medicating" which had everyone singing along, and screaming to the words. The focus of the tour was to promote the bands brand-new self title cd, and promote they did. A large number of tracks off the new cd were played such as newfound favorites "Get Your Head Straight," and the new single from the band "Up With Me." Songs like "Dreaming," "Hey Thanks," and "The Push and Pull," were also played.
Anyone who saw BNO play in 2005/2006 saw they had a new girl singer, which added a great melody with the leader singer. The band however lacked that strong aspect, and it was just the same singer with no chick to harmonize with. This pulled back to much from the bands live show, but what can you do. Despite this disappointment the band still had a killer show.
Would I recommend the show? Yeah, I would if you’re ready to make sure to get there early to watch Olympia rock the stage. If you’re a BNO fan you wont be sad, with the loss the girl singer the band can still put on one hell of a good rock show.