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July 18, 2007

Punk Rock 101 with Bowling For Soup.


A few years back, I was a big fan of pop punk bands. I have seen Bowling for Soup a few times in the past and quite enjoyed their live show. However in recent years I have grown up a bit and left the pop punk scene behind. So going to this show was almost like entering a time warp. Everyone was jumping up and down in their dickies with brightly coloured mohawks. It was almost comical in a sense.


The band hasnt changed much, they've gotten older though. I find it kind of hard to take a band full of guys that are probably about 30 years old that wear dickies seriously. However they are good at what they do. The crowd loved them. They played the same old catchy riffs and sang songs about Hot Topic and high school.  I can't say they are one of the best live bands I have ever seen, but their fans were certainly into it and they have been nominated for a Grammy Award in the past. They must be doing something right.

Bowling For Soup @ Pearl St. Ballroom in Northampton, MA on July 12, 2007
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this makes me want to see g.o.b.

Anna Fulghum

Oh god. :|


nominated for a grammy? wow.

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