The Junior Varisty @ Summerfest Milwaukee, WI 6/30
So on a beautiful saturday afternoon, me and my friend decided to drive up and see the junior varsity up at summerfest. if you guys know the junior varsity, you guys know their luck.....pretty bad. last year they were going to play at summerfest, opening up for jack's mannequin, but luck would have it, a hail storm. they were one of the only bands to ever have their sets cancelled during the history of summerfest, so this year was their first "official" year at summerfest. i was really excited to see the guys because 1) i havent seen the guys in about 9 months 2) their new cd just came out, "Cinematographic" (GO AND PICK IT UP!!!), so they were bound to play some songs off of it. their set was as tight as a size small t-shirt on me. The set list mostly consisted of songs off "Cinematographic" with a few "Wide Eyed" songs thrown into the mix. vocally they sounded spot on, with nick and sergio singing back up vocals for asa. one thing that i always enjoy watching at the junior varsity shows is chris birch drumming. he always sounds crisp and on beat, also he makes weird faces when he hits his snare :) finally, watching andy play guitar is eye opening. he is probably one of the best guitarests in this "scene". all in all, they played a set that was worth catching. and i guess karma does exist because after last years fiasco, they played this year and won best emerging artists this year at summerfest.
+turkey leg! +got to hang out with the guys +found out my shirt was glow in the dark +having security say sorry +nick dodson acting like security -all access really means general admission -1 case/9 people -didn't play cinematographic -security -long walks