« 8/15: Disco Biscuits @ McCarren Park Pool, Bklyn, NY | Main | Screamfest '07 @ Madison Sq. Garden, NYC 8/22 w/ Ciara, T.I., Yung Joc, and Lloyd »

August 23, 2007

8/15: Umphrey's McGee @ McCarren Park Pool, Brooklyn, NY

Dancing in the deep end...

No better way to beat the heat on a steamy August NYC night than with a dip in the pool. Forget braving Penn Station at the height of rush hour (not to mention 2 trains and a ferry ride) just to park your butt on the beach in Fire Island...or sitting (literally) in the traffic nightmare that is the L.I.E. all in the name of the Hamptons. The life of a free spirit is so much simpler…and for the newest generation of live music loving hippies, McCarren Park Pool was the place to cool off and have some fun in the sun last Wednesday night.


In a city drowning in live music venues, with bars, clubs, lounges and theaters on nearly every block, it’s only fitting that one of the most unique places to catch a show lies right on the outskirts in hip haven Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Converted ballrooms are SO yesterday. Abandoned, decrepit community pools is now where the music’s at…obviously! McCarren Park Pool, with its chipped concrete floor and spray painted walls, has now become a major stop for some of the summer’s biggest alt touring acts, from Umphrey’s McGee and Disco Biscuits to Brooklyn’s own Beastie Boys. What will they think of next?


Splitting the bill with the Disco Biscuits for a night of danceable jams, Umphrey’s McGee played to a packed pool of dread-lock donning, glow stick twirling, freestyle grooving teens and twenty something hipsters. Whether dancing in the deep end, chilling poolside or even, believe it or not, cleaning up trash between sets, the crowd at the UM show proved that, in a post Phish era, the get your groove on jam band community is still alive and dancing. Whew!


Tix said doors opened at 5:00pm and listed Disco Biscuits first and then Umphrey’s McGee. Being the savvy concert goer I am, I made what I thought to be two safe assumptions:  1-Show wouldn’t start until at least after 6:00 pm, giving the sun time to go down and the workforce time to get to the venue, and 2-Disco Biscuits would go on first, as per the listing on the ticket. Wrong on all accounts! By 6:30 the pool was already packed (with a seemingly college-esque crowd that clearly didn’t have to book it out of the office early), and UM was well into if not nearly finished with their set. Huh?? Ok, note to “The Bowery Presents” people…please list artists on the tickets in the order in which they are to appear on stage. Thanks! Not off to the best start, as the innocent girl behind the table unfortunately came to realize when she handed me my ticket. Sorry! But catching even the last ½ of UM’s set was worth my disgruntled entry into the show.


It’s no surprise that this sextet is selling out shows across the country, not to mention helping to draw in huge crowds at festivals like Bonaroo and Lallapalooza. They’re one of those bands that truly comes to life on stage, letting the fans into their creative process by bursting into spontaneous jams right in front of them. A true testament to their success and down-to-earthness (is that a word?):  The 3 female adorers diligently pleading with the more privileged “insiders” to borrow their passes in the hopes of meeting the guys (I was keeping my fingers crossed for you, girls…been there done that ;-). And my favorite part of the night:  Watching guitarist Brendan Bayliss break away mid conversation to go over, say hello and give the girls a hug. Another success in the life of a band-aid!


Though I love a good jam as much as the next girl, I’ll admit that sometimes I fade out just as the band seems to be fully diving into the jamming abyss. That’s what’s so great about UM…they’re able to balance out their inventive improv with just enough control and tightness so that their anything goes, let’s all have a good time style isn’t tainted with too much musical self-indulgence.


And how does a band that thrives on live performances and a loyal fan base stay true to its grass-roots? They invite everyone in the audience to grab a copy of the show taped directly from the soundboards before leaving for the night. Very cool!


Set list:  Prowler > Pipeline > Plunger > “Jimmy Stewart” > Higgins > # Plunger, Atmosfarag > Roulette, Utopian Fir > All in Time


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I've been wanting to see them for a while and they didn't let me down. Great tunes! I will most definitely have to catch them again.


love the pics!


I love your blogs so much. You make me feel like I'm there, and you definitely make me want to visit these places! I think my favorite line is, "Converted ballrooms are SO yesterday. Abandoned, decrepit community pools is now where the music’s at…obviously!" Write on, Leslie. And always ROCK ON! :)

Ally K

Good job Les! Keep up the good work. Great read.

Jack L.

Yes, very cool indeed!


Another great review. And another band I'll have to check out. Thanks

Reid E.

Umphrey's in Brooklyn! Nice!


What a great venue! Sounds like the show was pretty memorable too!


Good to know that even if I have gotten too old to accept the joy that the jam band scene once brought to my soul, the scene remains viable. One love forever.


Sounds like a great show. Once again your blof never fails to peak my interest.


I love your blogs so much. You make me feel like I'm there, and you definitely make me want to visit these places! Interesting Venue. Never knew about it.


Never heard of these guys but of course now I need to check them out. Once again your blog is awesome. Rock Hard and Rock on!

idnar nomis

Another great review. And another band I'll have to check out. Thanks for expanding my music catalog.


HOw cool..They invite everyone in the audience to grab a copy of the show taped directly from the soundboards before leaving for the night. Can you burn me a copy???


awesome comments, can't wait to see them


Another great review and photos...I'll have to check out the band!


Your blogs are always great. You make me feel like I'm there, and you definitely make me want to visit these places!

Megan Ross

Hmmm, never heard of them, but it sounds like they gave a great show. Next stop: i-Tunes!


i always enjoy your words. i've been wanting to check these guys out. rock on, les!

Celeste Armstrong

Once again, you are a lucky girl. what an awesome venue!!!! My friends saw the Beastie Boys there a few weeks ago and said it was awesome. You really do have the life! What a show!! Keep up the good work!


I find it interesting (and disappointing) that I have not been invited to go to any of these shows with Leslie.

Annie Hanson

How come dogs aren't allowed at these shows? I like music as much as I like sitting in Aunt Leslie's lap (even though she is allergic to me).


Love UM. Cute guys! Saw them last year with DMB.

Margie v

I am still trying to figure out how you managed to tread water for so long, or do you just don water wings?


Great review....felt like I was 'swimming' next to ya..!

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