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August 07, 2007

Silverchair at the Paradise in Boston, MA

When I got word from Billboard that I was going to be covering Silverchair, I just about had a heart attack. Not only because the show was sold out and tickets were going for over 200$, but because Silverchair is a phenomenal band that I have endless respect for.

There was no photo pit at the Paradise which was a little dissapointing, but I made my way to the front and stayed there for the entire show. A band called We are the Fury opened. I have seen them before and they are always entertaining. Personally, I think they have what it takes to blow up by the end of the year if they keep promoting themselves and getting on great tours like this one.

After a short but entertaining set, We are the Fury left the stage. It took a pretty long time for Silverchairs crew to set up, but it was well worth the wait! Their set consisted of a good mix of older and newer songs. One of the highlights was halfway through the set when they played "Ana's Song" which is a very important piece of music for anyone whose ever dealt with eating disorders.  They ended the set with a classic Silverchair song called "Freak", an anthem for "freaks" everywhere.

This band has been on the scene for over a decade and are still going strong and make great music. They have grown and evolved so much and I can honestly say this was one of the greatest shows I have ever been to.

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The show was great!


I saw Silverchair in DC a few weeks ago and it was one of the best shows I have ever been to. I was so impressed.

Ryan of the RSL Music Blog

The Paradise Show was incredible Silverchair rock!

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