June @ Chicago, IL House of Blues 8/17
Sorry for this update being 2 weeks too late. i just got to school 2 weeks ago and have had no time to do updates as of late. so 2 weeks ago, i got the pleasure of going to the june/the graduate/the higher concert at house of blues. this show was a show i was looking forward too because i love going to june shows to hang out with those guys. so i get there 30 mins before the show and i go to the will call box and they look through their list and they say im not on the list. now this is the first time that this has happend to me, while doing mobile beat. so i start calling people and finally run into their manager, lucas, and he worked everything out for me. so, after i solved that problem, doors opened up and i headed on over to the merch area to hang out with their merch guy, coop there it is. over the period of the show i helped him out at the merch area and hung out with him. i met some sweet people with doing merch, like kate, a fellow chicago mobile beatter. i also checked out some of the bands that were performing. im not a big fan of driver side impact or 2 sweet, so i didnt really watch them, minus a few songs.